Monday, September 13, 2010

Kanye West performs Runaway at 2010 VMAs

To be honest, ever since Kanye performed his song "Hey Mama" at the MTV Video Music Awards a couple of years ago, I have always looked forward to him performing on the show. I was especially excited for his 2010 VMA performance due to all the drama preceeding him. He took the stage after an amazing introduction by Aziz Ansari. Aziz explained to the audience that he had no idea what Kanye did last year to Taylor Swift, and when someone explained it to him, he proceeded to laugh hysterically and said "I don't understand why everyone is so mad, that sounds hilarious!" Here is the performance that followed, with Kanye manning an Akai, he played all the beats, samples, and melodies. "Let's have a toast for the douchebags."
Regardless of how you feel about him, the song and performance is great.

1 comment:

  1. His performance was better than Taylor's. I liked the Ballerinas.


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